Crosby Wombles
Making a difference to the community we live in

Our group is for like minded people who strive to see the world we live in clean and litter free. Our aim is to encourage, equip, educate & enable people to carry out their own solo litter picks in addition to giving them the opportunity to participate in organised group events.
We Womble because we care about our World and all the plants, trees, furry, feathered and scaled friends that we share it with!
We are too busy Wombling to get caught up in apportioning blame or debates of who is responsible for this, that & the other…
Dawn & Jacqui
In case you don't know who we are...
Like many people in Crosby we have carried out litter picks on our own for many years - we’ve quietly gone about our business tidying up here and there but sometimes we’ve had to ‘walk on by’ a particularly bad grot spot (which we hated doing) because it has been too overwhelming… and we just hate ‘walking by’ litter…
We haven’t invented a new movement - there are groups of Wombles everywhere. In fact we took our inspiration for the group from Carnforth Wombles - a truly amazing group of Wombles who make a huge difference to their beautiful part of the world.
The vision for Crosby Wombles is to “empower, equip and support our Womble family so they are able to safely carry out their own solo litter picks in areas that they are drawn to tidy”